(the act of covering a surface with gold or a substance that resembles gold)
After 36 years working in the fine art framing business, I am pleased to announce my retirement.
The quality of the work that has passed through my studio's doors will never be forgotten.
I'd like to thank all the customers who have entrusted their cherished pieces to my hands, along with the clients and their patronage through the years.
Mark F.
from the simple to the sublime

At the heart of the studio you will find a highly experienced business that has worked with many A list artists, Galleries, and companies renowned for their standing within the art business.
Four decades on from its first transition from an in-house framing service for 'The Court Gallery' - a Mayfair gallery based in Lancashire court. Though the company has changed its name from 'Court Frames Mayfair' to 'the Gilders Studio'
It's proprietor Mark Fisher, has built on the company's reputation for fine art framing, offering high standards in museum quality framing. while also developing alongside a creative design studio which creates exquisite pieces for interior design clients.

Court Frames Mayfair

The Gilders Studio (2012-to date)

An exciting development in the studio's portfolio of applied finishes is our adoption of gilding glass (Verre églomisé) using the same materials and techniques as in our other gilding service.
Inspired by both Chinese reverse glass painting & the 18th century French revival of 13th / 16th Italian reliquaries and portable Altars.
Todays resurgence of this decorative art form and its tributaries such as faux silvered mirrors, verre eglomise panels and screens. Gives us the opportunity to devote a huge portion of the studio's resources in this exquisite decorative art form.